Meet the Carvers will return…Stay tuned!
The Eastern Shore is still home to some of Virginia’s most important carvers. Like Miles Hancock before them, these carvers represent a crucial link connecting the waterfowl heritage of earlier generations to the carvers honing their craft today. These men know the nature of the Eastern Shore, the birds, the tides, and the way a duck is positioned when coming in for a landing in 40 mph gusts. They know their history and the waterfowl heritage on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. They are hunters, guides, game wardens, and artists. They are the keepers of knowledge and a way of life that, although dwindling, is as revered and respected as ever before.
Please join us for another “Meet the Carvers” evening, a wonderful opportunity to join with Eastern Shore decoy carvers, learn about their carving techniques and keep an important cultural heritage alive for generations to come.